Monday, February 16, 2009

New moon rumor

Dakota fanning is rumored to play jane in new moon

tell me wat ya think


My sister turned 21 a few days ago and my mum and dad got her tickets for her and her friend to go to London. so she leaves on friday and comes back on sunday(yesterday). she came back and told me she saw robert pattinson walking in soho. she shouted "its robert pattinson!" at him and he turned and looked at her then he waved and kept walking. god i wish that was me. so fellow vampires just walk around london for awhile and you will see robert pattinson. i am sure of it. bye fanpires. love ya.

bobby dupea

so fellow fanpires what do you think of bobby dupea/robert pattinson me, myself and I think he's awesome. ttyl hazel ruth-the lead vampire

<-----btw tell me what you think about this pic. me, myself and I think its sooooo cute.


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